Write a report on Infrastructure in an Organization?
You are a solutions architect for the company, MyKids, which is a fairly new (3 years old) e-commerce company specializing in kids clothing and toys. This is a very competitive environment and your CEO, Adele Watkins, wants to greatly expand the customer base, capitalizing on the bankruptcy of KidsRUs and ToysRuS.
Over the past year you have migrated many of the IT resources to the cloud (see attached). This is a multi-cloud environment with four major components:
- HQ: the company still runs an internal data center which hosts the company’s ERP system, including all the company’s financial data.
- Amazon Cloud: customer facing applications such as the company catalog and the e-commerce actions. Inventory is also stored on the Amazon site and is accessible by the company suppliers such as Hasbro.
- IBM Cloud, where the company’s data analysis and mining activities are housed, using tools such as IBM Watson.
- Microsoft Azure Cloud including the company’s administrative systems using Office 365 and SharePoint (including documents which include the company’s intellectual property).
You have been slowly implementing DevOps to make the organization more agile but there have been a few security issues. The CIO, Pedro Martinez, is concerned about the company’s reputation if data breaches and has asked you to prepare a report that address this.
This report should include the following, in your own words:
- Describe the different components of the IT infrastructure and what advantages does each cloud provider and the on-premise facility have for the company
- Describe what does Cloudfare does
- Discuss the value of DevOps in this environment (at least 3 references to sites that recommend DevOps)
- Describe all the security devices that are part of the solution and how they protect the company (e.g., firewall, routers)
- Discuss DevSecOps as the next project for your team, explain what it means, and how it will improve the company’s security (at least 3 links to sites that recommend DevSecOps and 2 companies that are using it)
- A summary of how you are continuing to poise the company for a sudden growth in sales as other toy companies declare bankruptcy.
This is a formal report, with a cover page, an automatically generated table of contents using meaningful and short headings, and at least 4 pages of text (you may include relevant graphics). The report is for the CIO with a copy to the CEO who does not have a strong technical background and so the report should avoid too much jargon. To overcome this, add a glossary at the end of the report including at least 6 technical terms you have used in your report. Your report should include about 2,000 words.
You also need to include a cover letter to the CIO, copy to the CEO.
Note: each of the cloud routers is also a load balancer
I will attach a copy of the cloud routers to FOLLOW the direction..