things that you want a mid or upper level manager to know about you, English homework help

Part A

  • What are 3 key things that you would want a mid- or upper-level manager to know about you if you had a chance to make a presentation to him or her? 
  • Why are the 3 items important to you, and why do you think they would be important pieces of information for your managers? 
  • If you were going to tell a mid-level manager or senior executive about your own personal history and professional goals in a brief elevator trip, how would you summarize them? 
  • How might such an elevator speech be of help to you as you move forward? 
  • Be sure to consider the concepts of speaker, message, audience, and situational awareness as part of your discussion.

Part B

  • How do you use and apply the concept of reflective practice in your everyday work and in your career thinking and planning?
  • Discuss ways in which your preparation for presentations can make use of the concept of reflective practice.
  • How could you use reflective practice, your discipline knowledge, and your understanding of the rhetorical triangle to create an effective, career-related online presence on social media?